In the event that you have a New Zealand home visa and have been living in New Zealand for a very long time or more (At least 2 year), you might be qualified for a Permanent Resident Visa, which would permit you to make a trip to and from New Zealand any time you like.
Things to note:
In the event that you need to travel, your Permanent Resident Visa should be in a substantial identification. You may have to apply to move your lasting occupant visa to another identification.
Non-head candidates can’t matter for lasting home before the important candidate, except if a non-head special case applies.
In case we can’t give you a Permanent Resident Visa, we might have the option to offer you another occupant visa or a variety of your inhabitant visa travel conditions. This would give you more opportunity to go to and from New Zealand as an inhabitant. We can also provide you New Zealand Student Visa.