May 27, 2021

How to Apply for a Germany Job Seeker Visa?

Germany has a fast-growing economy, a range of job opportunities in various sectors, and offers competitive salaries. This makes it an attractive option for overseas job seekers.

The country on the other hand is looking for skilled workers in various sectors and also offers competitive salaries for those wishing to work here.

There are various visa options for citizens of non-EU countries to come and work here.

Jobseeker visa

The Jobseeker visa was introduced to solve the problem of skills shortage in several areas. With this visa, you can come and stay in Germany for six months and look for a job.

Eligibility requirements for a Jobseeker visa

  • Minimum of five years of work experience in a job related to your area of study
  • Proof that you have 15 years of regular education
  • Proof that you have enough funds for a six-month stay in Germany
  • Proof that you have accommodation for the six months you will be in the country

Advantages of the Jobseeker visa

The Jobseeker visa gives you a unique opportunity to go to Germany and gives you six months to land a job in the country. If you find a job within these six months, well and good, you can change the visa to a work permit. However, if you do not find a job in a six-month period, you will have to leave the country.

Language requirements for work permits

The good news is that IELTS is not required to qualify for a German work visa.

However, the English language requirements can vary based on the type of job you are applying for. For instance, if the job requires traveling to other countries, then a certain level of English proficiency is required.

However, a basic knowledge of German will improve your prospects of finding a job here.

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