January 19, 2021






On the off chance that you are a non-EU citizen and wish to work in Poland, you will require a work permit to enter the country. The work permit gave is legitimate for just one work and you can utilize it to perform just those assignments referenced in your application structure. In the event that you are evolving occupations, you should apply for another work permit. The legitimacy of a work permit is for a very long time.

Poland offers five work visa types; these include:

Type A – If you discover work dependent on a business contract or common law contract with a business with an office enlisted in Poland. This is the most well known work permit.

Type B – This work permit is substantial in the event that you are a board part and dwelling in Poland for an absolute period that surpasses a half year inside a time of 12 ensuing months.

Type C – You can apply for this work permit in the event that you are shipped off Poland by an unfamiliar business for over 30 days in a schedule year to work for the unfamiliar manager’s auxiliary or branch office in the country.

Type D – You are qualified for this visa on the off chance that you are sent by an unfamiliar boss to work in fare administrations on a transitory premise. The unfamiliar manager should not have a branch or auxiliary of its own in Poland.

Type E – You can apply for this visa on the off chance that you will take up work-related undertakings that don’t fall into any of the over four classes.

Application measure

The business needs to apply for a work permit for your sake. Let ‘s expect that you have discovered a business ready to employ you and that your visit is authorized (either based on a visa you have gotten or based on a home permit). Your potential business needs to round out a work permit application that contains the name of the organization you are enlisting and your future expected set of responsibilities inside this organization to get a work permit.

Document required for Application: 

  • A finished application structure
  • Proof of installment of utilization expenses
  • Affirmation of the legitimate status of the business from the National Court Register
  • Current records of the business’ monetary movement
  • Duplicates of the candidate’s visa pages with significant travel data
  • Proof that the candidate has health care coverage
  • A deed for the organization
  • A duplicate of an assertion with respect to benefits or misfortunes of the business
  • A duplicate of an agreement as per the administration being given by the business in Poland

Work permits are given by a nearby “voivode” (government land head) and are given for the length of stay expected to play out the work expressed in the announcement of your manager. You need to sign a business contract with the business that applied for your permit to make the work permit substantial.

Your boss is legitimately obliged to:

  • Give you the work contract recorded as a hard copy
  • Furnish you with an interpretation of the work contract in your favored language
  • Check the legitimacy and make a duplicate of your home permit or visa
  • Tell government backed retirement and health care coverage organizations inside 7 days after the business contract is marked which gives you admittance to free medical services; affliction leave and other social advantages.

Advantages of a work permit

When you get the work permit for Poland, you can:

  • Legitimately work in Poland
  • Sanction your visit in the country
  • Accomplish the work characterized in the work permit
  • Sign a work contract with your boss

The preparing of the visa should take around 10 to 12 days. Whenever you have entered Poland on a work permit, you can legitimately work here.


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