May 27, 2021

U.S. Senator helps unite Indian family separated by travel ban

An Indian family isolated because of the new travel limitations considering the COVID-19 cases in India was joined over the course of the end of the week due to the individual endeavors made by a top Democratic Senator Robert Menendez.

Programming arrangements planner Ashu Mahajan, who is on H-1B visa, ventured out to India on April 17 to see his debilitated dad only days before his demise on April 21 from COVID-19. Be that as it may, before he could get back to New Jersey, new pandemic limitations became real constraining the terminations of American international safe havens and departments situated in India.

As a profoundly talented settler specialist with a H1-B visa, Mahajan is needed to have his identification assessed and stepped at an American international safe haven or department prior to heading out to the U.S., however that the most punctual he was told he could get an arrangement was in February 2022.

The H-1B visa is a non-worker visa that permits U.S. organizations to utilize unfamiliar laborers in strength occupations that require hypothetical or specialized skill.

“Having the family isolated for such a long time would not exclusively be a gigantic difficulty — it would imperil the very occupation that makes Mahajan’s H1-B status and his day to day’s life here in America conceivable,” Mr. Menendez, who is Chairman of the amazing Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told columnists at Scotch Plains in New Jersey.

“I’m extraordinarily glad for my staff in New Jersey and in Washington with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for cooperating to bring Mr. Mahajan home. They contacted the State Department. They clarified all that was in question for this situation, and they effectively got a facilitated arrangement at our government office in New Delhi so he could get that identification stamp and get onto a plane back to America,” Mr. Menendez said.

Mr. Menendez was joined by Mr. Mahajan alongside his better half Ms. Neha and two little girls, 15-year-old Sanaa and nine-year-old Aishi, at the question and answer session close to their Scotch Plains home to report his protected return.

“At the point when I was leaving for India, I realized my father was debilitated. I was all the while discussing if I ought to go. On the off chance that I go, I realized I would have visa issues, yet, I took that choice since it was identified with my father,” said Mr. Mahajan.

“While he was in the clinic, I was not in any event, considering visa issues. From that point onward, it hit me that I would be isolated from my family for over a year. Around then, I disclosed to Senator Menendez I turned out to be so negative about everything if this will occur. Be that as it may, because of Senator Menendez and his group they have been consoling us this while and telling us headings on the best way to approach this,” he said.

“We truly need to say thanks to Senator Menendez and his staff. In the event that it was not for his help and his office’s help, I don’t have the foggiest idea when I would see Mahajan,” said Neha Mahajan.

“At the point when the young ladies would see him. Consistently we spent on two distinct mainlands, my young ladies would ask me, ‘When is daddy returning home?’ And I truly didn’t have a response for them. Yesterday was likely the primary night when I saw him and I had the option to rest in harmony in light of the fact that during a pandemic we are for the most part going through a ton. Furthermore, movement-related issues are the last ones that you need to affect and keep us isolated,” Ms. Neha told columnists.

Many Indians on H-1B visas have been confronting comparative circumstances because of the movement limitations forced on those going to the U.S. from India.

The Mahajan’s have been gotten for almost 10 years in the migration excess after they legitimately moved to the U.S. through the H1-B visa program and applied and qualified in 2012 for green cards, Mr. Menendez’s office said.

Their most youthful girl, Aisha, is an American resident, which was a factor that the U.S. State Department considered in assisting her dad’s case.

“Incidentally, had the family gotten their green cards and perpetual inhabitant status in an opportune way, Ashu Majahan could never have confronted his dilemma since he would not have been needed to get his visa stepped prior to going home to New Jersey,” said his office.

source: thehindu.com

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